Headline News


Israel, Russia on Iran nuclear issue


Source: | 01-18-2008 08:52

Israel's foreign minister has called on Russia to support stronger sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, but Russia remains opposed to new penalties.

Israel's foreign minister has called on Russia to support stronger sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, but Russia remains opposed to new penalties.(
Israel's foreign minister has called on Russia to support
stronger sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme,
but Russia remains opposed to new penalties.(

During a visit to Russia, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said the international community must not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. She added the issue should be resolved through sanctions and cooperation.

Tzipi Livni, Israel Foreign Minister, said, "I would like to see a translation of the understanding that the world cannot afford an Iran with the nuclear weapon into more effective sanctions in the UN Security Council."

Her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov says Moscow believes the IAEA should play the primary role in resolving the standoff.

He says Russia is committed to a diplomatic settlement.

Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, said, "It's necessary to strengthen collective actions, to avoid unilateral steps and to concentrate on Iran accomplishing the demands of the IAEA, which were supported by the UN Security Council."

Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. (
Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. (

Israel also worries Russian deliveries of nuclear fuel to Iran might help Tehran develop nuclear weapons.

Last month, Russia delivered a shipment of nuclear fuel to Iran's first nuclear power plant in Bushehr.

Iran has been under two rounds of sanctions for its refusal to halt its nuclear programmes. The US has been urging the

Security Council to pass a third set. Iran insists its nuclear programmes are purely peaceful.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei