Headline News


Measures taken to ensure supply of farm produce


Source: | 01-30-2008 13:17

The ongoing bad weather is having a big impact on many people's daily lives. The unusually low temperatures come at an especially busy time as people prepare for the Spring Festival.

Staffs spread straw sheets on the seedlings in east China's Jiangxi Province Jan. 28, 2008. Local authorities took efforts in combating snow-inflicted disasters and reducing the negative impact to the least extent as volatile weather continued to rage the region. (Xinhua Photo)

Staffs spread straw sheets on the seedlings in east China's
Jiangxi Province Jan. 28, 2008. Local authorities took
efforts in combating snow-inflicted disasters and reducing
the negative impact to the least extent as volatile weather
continued to rage the region. (Xinhua Photo)

Disastrous weather has affected the transport and supply of some agricultural products. The Ministry of Commerce has taken several measures to ensure a sufficient supply of vegetables and other farm products.

Fang Aiqing, director of Market Dep't, Min. of Commerce,said, "If this weather continues for a relatively short period, we expect to be able to meet market demand. The ministry has taken measures to handle the emergency. If there are problems -- like abnormal price fluctuations and short supply -- we will deal with it."

The Ministry of Agriculture has also taken damage-control measures.

Wang Shoucong, deputy director of Crop management Dep't, Min. of Agriculture, said, "The production of vegetables has been stepped up we have increased planting of long-life vegetables, as well as vegetables that supply northern China."

Local governments are also working to improve power supply plans. Limits have been put on power supplied to highly-polluting factories and those that are producing more than their normal capacity.

Meanwhile, inspection teams have been dispatched to oversee transport safety.


Editor:Zhang Ning