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Super Tuesday contenders´ profiles

Source: Xinhua | 02-05-2008 10:24

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Only a few contenders still stay one month after the presidential race kicked out, and are facing even more fierce competition on Feb. 5, the Super Tuesday when a total of 24 U.S. states and American Samoa hold their presidential primaries or caucuses.

The following are the profiles of five major candidates, two Democrats and three Republicans.

Hillary Rodham Clinton:

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign stop at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts Feb. 4, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary 
Clinton speaks at a campaign stop at Clark University
in Worcester, Massachusetts Feb. 4, 2008. 
(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

The 60 year-old New York two-term Senator has been retaining head of the list in the fundraising and national polls. She emphasizes her White House experience from 1993 to 2001 as the First Lady during the campaign and tries to woo Democratic voters with an universal healthcare insurance program. Although being criticized for voting for Iraq war, she did not make any apology, citing some fault intelligence has misled her to vote.

However, she vowed to immediately start a major troop withdrawal from Iraq should she be elected president.

In addition, her husband, former President Bill Clinton, is considered as an important political asset of hers.

So far, due to her prevalence among white female, elder, Latino and register Democratic voters, Hillary has won two major primaries in New Hampshire and Nevada and gained 232 delegates who are supposed to vote for her at the Democratic nomination convention late August.