
02-18-2008 10:45

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympic Games

In Beijing, authorities say they will ban the sale of cars that fail to meet new emission standards, starting from next month onwards in another move to cut air pollution and host a truly "green" Olympics later this year.

In Beijing, authorities say they will ban the sale of cars that fail to meet new emission standards, starting from next month. (Photo:
In Beijing, authorities say they will ban the sale of cars
that fail to meet new emission standards, starting from next
month. (Photo:

All vehicles on the Beijing market will need to meet the new China IV standard, which is equivalent to its European counterpart known as the Euro IV. The same restriction will apply to all heavy vehicles used for public transportation, sanitation, and mail services, by the first of July.

Implementing the new standard is expected to cut levels of particles that can be inhaled by 330 tons. These currently account for up to 90 percent of air-borne pollutants.


Editor:Xiong Qu