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Make or break moment comes for Clinton in Ohio, Texas

Source: Xinhua | 03-04-2008 10:36

BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhuanet) -- It seems to be a make or break moment for U.S. Demoncratic presential hopeful Hillary Clinton, since she needs to win both states of Ohio and Texas in Tuesday's primaries to continue her White House road, a viewed shared by many analysts.

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally in Dallas, Texas March 1, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary 
Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally in Dallas, Texas 
March 1, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Clinton's future becomes ever more contingent on her showing in Ohio and Texas as well as smaller states Rhode Island and Vermont, which also vote on Tuesday.

Barack Obama of Illinois has won 11 straight victories in contests dating back nearly a month. He has 1,378 pledged delegates and super delegates to Clinton's 1,269.

Neither candidate is close to the 2,025 needed to win the Democratic nomination.

In the March 4 primaries, Hillary had to halt rival Barack Obama's streak of 11 consecutive wins in their hard-fought duel to be the Democratic nominee in November's presidential election.

Former President Bill Clinton said in February if his wife wins Ohio and Texas, she'll go on to win the nomination.

"If Obama wins Texas and Ohio, it's game over and if If Clinton and Obama split Texas and Ohio, it's a new game," according to CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider.

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