Headline News


Iran sticks to its nuclear program


Source: | 03-05-2008 14:21

Iran is dismissing a UN Security Council resolution imposing new sanctions.

The Iranian government calls the sanctions worthless and is promising to continue its uranium enrichment program.

Iran is dismissing a UN Security Council resolution imposing new sanctions.(
Iran is dismissing a UN Security Council resolution
imposing new sanctions.(

However, Tehran says it will continue cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The UN Security Council approved the third round of sanctions on Monday.

Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, Iranian Ambassador to the IAEA, said, "Iran will never give up, it's an unalienable right in using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Iran will not suspend its nuclear activities including enrichment. At the same time, Iran will continue its cooperation with IAEA in accordance with the IAEA statute, NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and its comprehensive safeguard agreement. Therefore we are going to disappoint Americans that hoped after each resolution in New York Iran (would) withdraw from NPT and stop its cooperation with IAEA. We'll not do that, we'll continue, neither suspend our activities, nuclear activities, neither suspend our full cooperation with IAEA."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei