Headline News


Gaza tension continues, as Rice visits Mideast


Source: | 03-05-2008 14:21

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is saying that peace and negotiations are a strategic choice.

Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State (L) and
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, brief the

But he stopped short of announcing any return to peace talks with Israel.

Abbas made the remarks at a news conference with visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday.

He had suspended peace talks with Israel after an eruption of fighting between Israel and militants in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President, said, "I call on the Israeli government to halt its aggression so the necessary environment can be created to make negotiations succeed, for us and for them, to reach the shores of peace in 2008."

Rice noted that Israelis "have a right to defend themselves". But she also said there must be great efforts to spare innocent life.

Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, said, "I have also said to the Israelis that it is extremely important that they remember that there has to be a day after, a partner to work with and that innocent people who have the bad fortune to have to live under Hamas control (in Gaza) should not be subject to injury or death."

Rice's visit to the Middle East region is aimed at salvaging the US-sponsored peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Recent bloodshed has changed the original focus of her visit from trying to advance the talks to saving them altogether.

Meanwhile, a Hamas spokesman says their rockets have been an answer to Israeli aggression. And that the rockets will not cease until Israel stops its shelling and aerial attacks.

And in Tehran hundreds of Iranian students rallied on Tuesday, demonstrating against recent Gaza Strip attacks.

Meanwhile, thousands of Israeli Arabs also took to the streets to protest against Israeli attacks in the region.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei