Headline News


People express best wishes for Beijing Olympics


Source: | 03-20-2008 09:20

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympic Games

CCTV reporter Mao Xuzhi is in Athens, Greece, to cover the upcoming Olympic flame lighting ceremony. And she has met people there who conveyed their best wishes for the Beijing Olympics.

Tourists in Athens said their expectation for Beijing Olympics was high and they thought preparation work of Beijing Olympics was pretty impressive.
Tourists in Athens said their expectation for Beijing Olympics 
was high and they thought preparation work of Beijing Olympics 
was pretty impressive.


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Chinese businesssman Wang Jingbo has visited Athens for several times.
Chinese businesssman Wang Jingbo has visited Athens for 
several times.

Chinese businesssman Wang Jingbo said, "This is the first time China will hold the Olympic Games and as a Chinese citizen I am very proud. We have been waiting for this for many years. We are very happy to see the 2008 Olympics held in China."


Editor:Zhang Ning