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Some foreign newspapers, China-friendly people condemn riot in Lhasa

Source: Xinhua | 03-21-2008 08:28

Special Report:   3.14 Tibet Riots

Some foreign newspapers, overseas Chinese groups and people who are friendly to China have issued reports or statements recently to condemn the riot that rocked Lhasa, the capital city of China's Tibet autonomous region.

The International Daily News of Indonesia appealed for a vigilant watch on attempts of such separatist forces as "Tibet independence" to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games.

The newspaper said in a commentary that, like in Indonesia, separatist and terrorist forces are also the major enemies of the Chinese government and people at present.

The criminal acts of beatings, vandalism, looting and burning, plotted by the "Dalai Clique", were aimed at attaining the "dirty" political purpose of the clique, and should be resolutely condemned, commented the Chinese-language World News newspaper of the Philippines.

The criminals should bear full responsibility for their sabotage acts, the paper said in a commentary.

The Zambia Council for Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China issued a statement on Tuesday to strongly criticize the violent acts that disrupted social order and harmed the security of the life and properties of the people.

Overseas Chinese in Zambia firmly support the efforts to safeguard the social stability of Tibet, the security of the life and properties of the people, and the unification of the motherland, the statement said.

General Secretary of the Bangladesh-China Peoples Friendship Association SA Sikder said that the violent acts were the conspiracy plotted by some individuals and organizations with ulterior motives.

They want to tarnish the image of China by making disturbances before the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, he said, adding that "this is unacceptable to us."

There is no doubt that Tibet is part of China and "any attempts aimed at splitting China are doomed to fail," said Sikder.


Editor:Zhang Ning