Headline News


Lhasa residents condemn riots


Source: | 03-22-2008 09:09

Special Report:   3.14 Tibet Riots

The March 14th riots in Lhasa have seriously harmed the lives of its people.

Ge Lie has been living in Lhasa for over twenty years.(Photo:
Ge Lie has been living in Lhasa for over twenty years.
Ge Lie has been living in Lhasa for over twenty years. Praying at the Potala Palace is one of the major activities for the retired worker. A witness to recent development in the city, Ge Lie expressed strong resentment over the riots.

Ge lie said, "Prayers are less than usual, we are afraid of the riots. Big losses. We don't want secession. Because we can enjoy freedom of religion here."

Other Tibetans at the square in front of the Palace also express simlar feelings.

Awangquzhen, Lhasa resident, said, "What a nice time we are in. Why did they stir up trouble, I hate them."

Professor Zha Xi from Tibet University(Photo:
Professor Zha Xi from Tibet University(Photo:
Professor Zha Xi, Tibet University, said, "No one can deny our lives are getting better. But what those liars did led to the riots. WE just can't tolerate it."