
03-23-2008 12:12

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympic Games

Two of the torch bearers for the Beijing Olympics, environmental expert Liu Hongliang and Taiwan pop song singer, Wang Lee Hom have arrived in Athens. They are the final two Chinese torch bearers to arrive ahead of the Olympic flame relay.

Liu Hongliang(L), academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the son of China's first Olympic athlete Liu Changchun, and musician Wang Lihong display the torch during a ceremony held in Beijing, capital of China, March 21, 2008. They will set out on Friday to Greece's Olympia to participate in the Olympic torch relay.(Xinhua/Chen Jianli) 
Liu Hongliang(L), academician of the Chinese Academy of 
Engineering and the son of China's first Olympic athlete 
Liu Changchun, and musician Wang Lihong display the torch
 during a ceremony held in Beijing, capital of China, 
March 21, 2008. They will set out on Friday to Greece's 
Olympia to participate in the Olympic torch relay.
(Xinhua/Chen Jianli)

76-year old Liu Hongliang is not only an environmental expert, but also the son of Liu Changchun, China's first athlete to take part in the Olympics. Liu Hongliang says he's excited to be a torchbearer and get the chance to see the lighting ceremony. Lee Hom Wang says he's also eagerly looking forward to the event.

Wang Lee Hom said "We are fully prepared for the lighting ceremony and we put on our sports outfits and shoes. I cut my hair short and shaved my moustache. Light the passion, pass the dream from Olympia!"


Editor:Xiong Qu