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Tibetan scholars condemn secessionists


Source: | 03-25-2008 09:19

Special Report:   3.14 Tibet Riots

Some Tibetan scholars have strongly condemned the Dalai Lama clique for conducting secessionist activities under the guise of religion.

Sonam Doje witnessed two previous rampages which took place in Lahsa in 1959 and 1987. (
Sonam Doje witnessed two previous rampages which took
place in Lahsa in 1959 and 1987. (

Sonam Doje is a Tibetan scholar working in Beijing. He says he got to know what happened in Lahsa on March 14th from newspapers and television.

Sonam Doje said, "I saw on TV the mob shouting the slogan "Tibet independence" and brandishing their so-called Tibetan flag. Some even burned our sacred national flag. I believe their purpose was to split Tibet from China. They are actually secessionists."

Sonam Doje witnessed two previous rampages which took place in Lahsa in 1959 and 1987.

Sonam Doje said, "These three incidents have one thing in common - that is the purpose of seeking secession, destroying national unity and solidarity. These secessionists have never stopped their efforts. Religion is just a disguise to help hide this attempt."

Another Tibetan scholar, Doctor Tan Zen Lhun Dup, praises the central government's role in boosting Tibet's economy. The region's GDP increased over 100 times between 1965 and 2007.

Dr. Tanzen Lhundup from China Tibetology Research Center said, 
Dr. Tanzen Lhundup from China Tibetology Research 
Center said, "Tibet's economy was very low 50 years
ago. (

Dr. Tanzen Lhundup from China Tibetology Research Center said, "Tibet's economy was very low 50 years ago. Geographical conditions mean it's more expensive to develop Tibet than anywhere else in the country. The central government has tried its best to adopt many policies to boost Tibet's development."

Tan Zen Lhun Dup says Tibetan people are the direct beneficiaries of such rapid economic growth. Per capita income for local farmers and herdsmen have maintained double-digit growth for five straight years. But he stresses the importance of social stability for Tibet's continued economic prosperity.

In addition, the central government has done a lot to preserve Tibetan culture. And the policy of religious freedom has been fully implemented in Tibet.


Editor:Zhang Ning