
03-26-2008 11:31

Special Report:   KMT Chairman visits mainland

This month saw more than 17,000 residents in Taiwan looking for new careers on the Chinese mainland.

This month saw more than 17,000 residents in Taiwan looking for new careers on the Chinese mainland.
This month saw more than 17,000 residents in Taiwan looking
for new careers on the Chinese mainland.

Taiwan's human resource authority says this is a two-year high with close to 300,000 people currently hunting for jobs online, and more than 17,000 setting their sights on the mainland. But demand is currently exceeding supply, with only 8200 mainland jobs available online.

The news follows the election of Kuomintang candidate Ma Ying-jeou as the new leader of the Taiwan region. Ma has vowed to promote the opening of direct cross-strait flights, a move that could make it easier for those looking for new jobs on the Mainland.


Editor:Xiong Qu