
04-03-2008 12:01

Special Report:   Mainland tourists visit Taiwan
Special Report:   KMT Chairman visits mainland

The newly elected leader of the Taiwan region Ma Ying-jeou has pledged to launch regular weekend charter flights to the Chinese mainland as early as July the 1st. Taipei's airline companies are welcoming the timetable as they hope to boost their plagued business amid fuel price surge.

The newly elected leader of the Taiwan region Ma Ying-jeou has pledged to launch regular weekend charter flights to the Chinese mainland as early as July the 1st.
The newly elected leader of the Taiwan region Ma Ying-jeou 
has pledged to launch regular weekend charter flights to the
Chinese mainland as early as July the 1st.

The Taipei Aviation Transportation Association says cross-strait direct flights are beneficial to the aviation industry. It says local airline firms are confident about the business.

Su Hongyi, Board Chairman of Taipei Aviation Transportation Association said "We are ready to launch chartered flights to the mainland. There's no problem for us to do this as of July 1st."

The association pointed out that the opening of cross-strait direct flights will dramatically cut both flying time and costs, so the aviation industry will spare no effort to operate. It said local airlines are expecting the launch of daily chartered flights and the opening of tourism market to mainland visitors.

Su Hongyi said "The opening degree to mainland tourists will determine how large the tourism market will be, and also determine what kind of help the local airlines will get."

Industry insiders believe the island will see growing benefit from the launch of direct flights and an opening tourism market in the long term. Data shows Taiwan's flights have decreased by an average of more than 7 percent each year from 2001 to 2007. Many airlines have been forced to suspended some of their routes within the island.


Editor:Xiong Qu