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Sen. Clinton floods Pennsylvania with new TV ads

Source: Xinhua | 04-09-2008 15:59

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

BEIJING, April 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is flooding Pennsylvania media markets with five new television ads in an attempt to offset polls that show rival Sen. Barack Obama has been gaining support.

Her campaign began airing ads that deliver specific messages to different regional and ethnic audiences Tuesday, three in the expensive Philadelphia market.

The ads come as Obama has been outspending Clinton in Pennsylvania, with the state's April 22 primary only two weeks away. As of Sunday, Obama had spent 3.6 million U.S. dollars in the state to Clinton's 1.3 million dollars, according to data compiled by TNS Media Intelligence/Campaign Media Analysis Group.

As the ads went up, the Clinton campaign also sent out a fundraising appeal to counter Obama's spending advantage in the state.

"They're trying to end the race for the White House with an unyielding media blitz," an e-mail to supporters says. "Don't let a sea of Obama ads overwhelm our powerful message in Pennsylvania. Contribute now."

Two of Clinton's ads feature testimonials from popular supporters -- one from Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and the other from Michael Nutter, Philadelphia's newly installed black mayor. The third is a Spanish-language ad aimed at the city's Latino community.

Another ad, airing in Scranton, lets Clinton highlight her roots in the region _ her father was raised there and, as a girl, Clinton and her family spent summers in a cottage on Lake Winola west of Scranton.

The fifth ad, airing in central and western Pennsylvania, is an economic message with a populist twist.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei