Headline News


Indian human rights expert: Lhasa riots deliberate attack on human rights


Source: | 04-21-2008 17:14

Special Report:   3.14 Tibet Riots

During the human rights forum in Beijing, CCTV reporter Han Bin,spoke with the editor-in-chief of the Hindu Newspaper Group, Mr. Ram Narsimhan. He says the Chinese government has made tremendous efforts in promoting human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Ram Narsimhan also talked about the separatist motives of the Dalai Lama.

The editor-in-chief of the Hindu Newspaper Group, Mr. Ram Narsimhan says the Chinese government has made tremendous efforts in promoting human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region.
The editor-in-chief of the Hindu Newspaper Group, 
Mr. Ram Narsimhan says the Chinese government has 
made tremendous efforts in promoting human rights 
in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Q: As a human rights expert, how do you see the status of human rights in today's Tibet?

Q: And what are your views on the Dalai Lama?


Editor:Zhang Ning