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Clinton wins primary in pennsylvania


Source: | 04-23-2008 14:43

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

In the United States, Hillary Clinton has defeated rival Barack Obama in the Pennsylvania primary, prolonging an increasingly negative Democratic presidential race and keeping alive her White House hopes.

US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton addresses the crowd at a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 21, 2008.
US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton 
addresses the crowd at a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 
April 21, 2008.

Clinton led by 8 percent with 45 percent of the vote counted. But the Tuesday victory is probably not enough to dramatically change the race or narrow Obama's lead in delegates who select the Democratic nominee at the August convention.

The contest in Pennsylvania, where 158 delegates were at stake, opened the final phase of the Democratic duel for the right to face Republican John McCain in November's presidential election.

 Nine more contests are scheduled before the voting ends on June 3rd. Exit polls showed the two retained their solid voter bases. Obama won 9 of every 10 black voters and led among young and male voters. And Clinton was the choice of more than 60 percent of elderly voters and more than half of women.


Editor:Zhang Jia