Headline News


Russia´s 30 tons of aid on way to China

Source: | 05-14-2008 10:05

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Russia is delivering humanitarian aid to China's quake-hit southwest region. A cargo plane took off from Moscow Tuesday night, carrying 30 tons of aid. Meanwhile, other foreign countries are promising donations for quake victims in Sichuan Province.

By Tuesday, other foreign governments, including those of Belgium and Norway, have also pledged aid to China.

Washington has promised 500,000 US dollars in initial aid to China. The White House says the aid is being offered in anticipation of an International Red Cross appeal.

The German government says it will provide 770,000 US dollars in aid which will be sent via the German Red Cross as a "first step" in relief aid.

The Chinese embassy in Japan has collected about 300,000 US dollars in donations for China's quake-hit areas from local governments, business groups and people from all walks of life.

Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways say they will airlift aid supplies on flights between Japan and China for free through to June the 16th. JAL has also promised to provide free tickets for disaster relief personnel.

A deputy from Cambodia's royal family presented 50,000 US dollars to the Chinese Embassy on Tuesday to express the family's support for China.


Editor:Zhang Ning