Headline News


Chinese top legislator visits hospital, distribution center in quake zone


Source: | 05-27-2008 08:43

Special Report:   Strong quake jolts SW China

Top legislator Wu Bangguo has visited a hospital and a railway station in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. He expressed his sympathy and reached out to those injured in the deadly May 12th earthquake.

China's top legislator Wu Bangguo visits Li Kecheng, a 55-year-old survivor who was saved after being buried in the rubble for 108 hours, in a hospital in Chengdu on May 26, 2008.(Xinhua Photo)

On Monday afternoon, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Wu Bangguo came to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military area Command to visit those wounded in the earthquake. On May 12, this hospital recieved their first patient just seven minutes after the quake. Fifty minutes later, a medial team from the hospital arrived at Dujiangyan city to treat the wounded.

Wu Bangguo visited the severely injured. Some of them were rescued after being buried in quake debris for more than 100 hours. Wu urged the doctors to do whatever they could to save their lives. The patients here have expressed their gratitude and said the CPC and the government has given them a second chance in life, and that they will try their best to live and contribute to the country after recovery. Wu Bangguo added it's truly a miracle that these patients were able to survive through the days of being buried. He said the entire country cares about them and hopes for a quick recovery.

Before leaving, the top legislator also extended his regards to the medical workers who have been working around the clock in the hospital. He said the country thank them for their dedication.

Wu Bangguo then went to the Chengdu Railway Station and oversaw the transportation of disaster relief goods. The railway authorities have been working closely with local communications departments to transport relief goods as efficiently as possible. Mineral water from Tibet, food from Guangdong, medical equipment from Beijing and sprayers from Jiangsu are being sent to the disaster-hit areas quickly.


Editor:Zhang Ning