Headline News


Obama enlists Clinton´s former economic advisor

Source: Xinhua | 06-11-2008 14:47

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, June 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has reached out to an economic adviser that used to help his rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to bolster his capability to score on American public's top concern, Obama's campaign said on Monday.

Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that Obama has hired Jason Furman, a 37-year-old expert on fiscal policy to be his economic policy director.

According to Obama's team, Furman worked for the White House Council of Economic Advisers during former President Bill Clinton's administration and also the World Bank.

Psaki said that the campaign felt it made sense to expand the economic team at this phase in the election contest.

The economy is shown from almost all previous national polls to be Americans' No. 1 concerns now, and therefore becomes a focus of argument between Obama and his Republican rival, John McCain.

Obama attacked McCain for opposing Democratic proposals to suspend President George W. Bush administration's tax cut policy on the wealthiest Americans, while McCain labeled Obama's economic policies as "tax-and-spend."


Editor:Du Xiaodan