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Former U.S. Vice President Gore endorses Obama to be next president

Source: Xinhua | 06-17-2008 14:36

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, June 16 (Xinhua) -- U.S. former Vice President Al Gore endorsed the Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama, to be the next president on Monday night.

Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States speaks during the Dan David Prize award ceremony in University of Tel Aviv May 19, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States speaks 
during the Dan David Prize award ceremony in University 
of Tel Aviv May 19, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Gore appeared in a 20,000-person rally in Detroit, Michigan, with the Illinois senator, calling on voters to support the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, because that the country "simply cannot afford to continue the policies of the last eight years for another four."

"For America to lead the world through the dangers and opportunity we're seeing before us, we've got to have new leadership," he told the rally.

Gore called Obama a man who can unite the nation and bridge partisan divides to have the country's problems solved and "a candidate who -- in response to those doubting our ability to solve the climate crisis and create a bright future -- inspired millions to say, yes, we can."

He also launched an attack on President George W. Bush's administration, which he said led the country past "eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure."

It was Gore's first appearance in a political occasion for the 2008 presidential elections.

The former Democratic presidential candidate who lost the elections in 2000 to Bush has committed himself to the environmental protection cause and stepped aside the politics during the primary season.

In an earlier letter to Obama's supporters, Gore vowed to help the Illinois senator in his bid for the White House, saying "from now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States."

"Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (the White House) or Capitol Hill (Congress)," Gore wrote. "It begins when people stand up and take action."

In response, Obama said in another campaign rally in Detroit earlier in the day that Gore's endorsement "means a lot" to his campaign.

"He's somebody who is a visionary, not just for the party, but for the country," he said of Gore.


Editor:Du Xiaodan