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Former President Clinton to appear at Democratic National Convention

Source: Xinhua | 08-09-2008 07:32

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. former President Bill Clinton was said to speak at the Democratic National Convention where Barack Obama will be officially elected and announced as the party's presidential nominee, a TV report said on Friday.

Citing three unidentified sources, the CNN report said that the former president would speak on Aug. 27, the day when the vice presidential nominee is to deliver a speech, in Denver, Colorado.

His wife, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, is considered as a top candidate to be Obama's running partner after she was defeated in the primary season.

Clinton, a remaining influential among Democrats, has promised to support Obama's bid for the White House. But his commitment was questioned recently after he refused to say Obama was completely qualified when asked by ABC TV.

"The Constitution sets qualifications for the president. And then the people decide who they think would be the better president," he said instead.

The reports about Clinton's appearance at the national convention were released as speculations were on that his wife has not ruled out having her name put in nomination for a roll call vote.

However, the former first lady immediately denied the notion that she attempted to upstage Obama.

"That is not going to happen, not going to happen," she told supporters last week in California. "What we want to happen is for Senator Obama to be nominated by a unified convention of Democrats."

She was set to deliver a prime-time speech to delegates on Aug.26, the second night of the convention.


Editor:Wang Shuqin