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Republican potential vice presidential candidate visits Denver to rain cold water on Democratic convention

Source: Xinhua | 08-27-2008 11:34

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

DENVER, United States, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Mitt Romney, former Republican presidential candidate and potential vice presidential hopeful, led a delegation to Denver, Colorado, Tuesday to rain cold water on the Democratic National Convention.

The former Massachusetts governor told a press conference held near the Denver convention center, one of the main venues for the convention that the U.S. would become "a weaker country with less prosperity and less security."

He launched attacks on Obama's economic and tax policies as well as his willingness to talk to the so-called rogue nations.

"Barack Obama is a charming and fine person with a lovely family but he's not ready to be president," he said.

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who was also mentioned as an option for Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, was set to visit Denver to counter Democratic convention heat Thursday.

As Democrats grab the country's attention this week, McCain's campaign is preparing for its moment to shine by declaring the vice presidential candidate and holding the party's national convention early September in Minnesota, where Democrats also planned to make themselves seen and voice heard.


Editor:Zhang Yue