Headline News


Weather reports at launch site increase in frequency and detail


Source: | 09-23-2008 11:11

Special Report:   Shenzhou-7 Manned Space Flight

As the launch of the Shenzhou 7 approaches, weather reports at the launch site are increasing in frequency and detail.

The Shenzhou-7 manned spaceship, the Long-March II-F rocket and the escape tower are vertically transferred to the launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gansu Province Sept. 20, 2008. The transfer finished at 3:15 p.m.on Saturday, marking the final stage of the launching preparation.(Xinhua Photo)
The Shenzhou-7 manned spaceship, the Long-March II-F 
rocket and the escape tower are vertically transferred to 
the launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in 
northwest China's Gansu Province Sept. 20, 2008. 
(Xinhua Photo)

Over the launch center near Gansu's Jiuquan city, a weather balloon more than one-meter in diameter is detecting conditions in the upper atmosphere.

As the launch of the Shenzhou 7 approaches, weather reports at the launch site are increasing in frequency and detail.
As the launch of the Shenzhou 7 approaches, weather reports 
at the launch site are increasing in frequency and detail.

The weather reports are also taking place more often, now every six hours instead of every twelve hours. Wind speed and direction are the main factors affecting the launch. The launch site is also surrounded by 5 other weather observatories, and one inside the launch site.

Twice daily discussion meetings are also taking place in the weather station, and daily reports have been issued over the past week.