Headline News


China counts down to third manned space mission

Source: China Daily | 09-25-2008 17:02

Special Report:   Shenzhou-7 Manned Space Flight

China counted down Thursday to its third manned space mission Shenzhou-7 which will include the country's first ever space walk.

The Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre started an eight-hour countdown at 1:10 pm Thursday (Beijing Time).

The Shenzhou-7 spaceship, carrying three Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, is due to blast off between 9:07 pm and 10:27 pm on a Long March II-F rocket.

At 2:10 pm Thursday, technicians have switched on ground facilities for another round of self-check, a source with the launch centre said.

The trio taikonauts are also making preparations to enter the Shenzhou-7 spaceship.


Editor:Gao Jia