Headline News


Shenzhou-7 mission to promote peaceful use of outer space

Source: Xinhua | 09-25-2008 18:09

Special Report:   Shenzhou-7 Manned Space Flight

BEIJING, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- The launch of China's third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 was an important part of China's effort to "explore and make peaceful use of outer space," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said here Thursday.

The ultimate purpose of China's manned space mission is to explore and make peaceful use of outer space, in a bid to boost the national economy and benefit the people, Liu told a routine press conference.

"We believe this will further promote China's space flight technology and make a contribution to the peaceful use of outer space for humankind. We wish the Shenzhou-7 mission a complete success," he said.

China has announced that the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft will lift off on Thursday night. This will be the third Chinese manned space mission, but the first time Chinese astronauts perform a spacewalk.


 Interactive:  Be part of China's journey to space!


Editor:Zhang Ning