Headline News


Chinese senior official visits leading space scientist


Source: | 09-27-2008 09:14

Special Report:   Shenzhou-7 Manned Space Flight

Senior CPC official Li Changchun visited China's leading space scientist Qian Xuesen in hospital on Thursday, just hours before the launch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft.

Senior CPC official Li Changchun visited China's leading space scientist Qian Xuesen in hospital on Thursday, just hours before the launch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft.
Senior CPC official Li Changchun visited China's leading 
space scientist Qian Xuesen in hospital on Thursday, just 
hours before the launch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft.

Li Changchun is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He passed on greetings from President Hu Jintao. He also expressed his deep respect for the scientist, who has made lasting contributions to China's space program.

The 97-year-old scientist thanked Li for his visit, and said everything he has done, he has done it for his country and its people.

Qian was a major figure in China's missile and space programs. His contributions have earned him the nickname, "the Father of Chinese Missiles."