Headline News


Poll: Ecuadorian president wins referendum on constitution

Source: Xinhua | 09-29-2008 09:04

QUITO, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa won the referendum on his country's new constitution on Sunday with a 66.4 percent "yes" vote, according to the result of the Santiago & Perez poll organization.

Correa got the electoral results in the city of Guayaquil accompanied by his political bureau members and supporters of the ruling party Country Alliance.

After the results was publicized, the party began a celebration at the Jetty of Guayaquil.

According to the polls made by Cedatos poll organization, 70 percent of voters were in favor of the new constitution for the country.

The approval will significantly broaden Correa's powers and allow him to run for two more consecutive terms.


Editor:Xiong Qu