Headline News


US, Iraq agree on withdrawal pact


Source: | 10-16-2008 10:29

Special Report:   Iraq in Transition

After months of negotiation, Washington and Baghdad have finally reached a pact that would require US forces to withdraw from Iraq by 2011.

US soldiers scan a street in the former restive district of Dora in south eastern Baghdad in September 2008.(AFP/File/Ahmad al-Rubaye)
US soldiers scan a street in the former restive district
of Dora in south eastern Baghdad in September 2008.
(AFP/File/Ahmad al-Rubaye)

The pact will replace a UN Security Council resolution enacted after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, and give the Iraqi government authority over the US troop presence.

Analysts say the pact finally resolves the difficult question of whether US troops could be tried in Iraqi court. This was the issue that had long divided the two sides.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei