Headline News


Shiites protest Iraq-US security pact


Source: | 10-19-2008 10:08

Thousands of followers of nationalist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have staged a protest in Baghdad against a draft US-Iraqi security agreement. The pact will decide the terms of US troop presence in the future.

People wave Iraqi flags and chant slogans against a planned Iraqi-US security pact.
People wave Iraqi flags and chant slogans against a planned
Iraqi-US security pact.(AP photo)

Protestors in Baghdad's Sadr City don't want a pact that would keep American forces in Iraq for three more years.

On Saturday, Marchers waved Iraqi flags and chanted "Yes, yes Iraq! No, no to the occupation!" But the atmosphere appeared mostly peaceful.

Security was tight, with security forces checking on streets and snipers on rooftops.

The US and Iraq are facing a year-end deadline to reach agreement on a deal that will extend the presence of US forces.

Officials say the Status of Forces Agreement includes a timeline for US withdrawal by 2012.

It also includes a crucial but unpopular compromise giving Iraq limited ability to try US contractors and soldiers for off-duty and off-base crimes.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has spoken to key congressional leaders about the draft pact. He says the leaders have generally positive reactions, but are looking forward to seeing the text.