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Obama raises record $150 million in September


Source: | 10-20-2008 08:57

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

With just two weeks before US Presidential election, the candidates are making their final push.

Democrat Barack Obama was endorsed by a former US Secretary of State and also announced he raised a record 150 million dollars last month, dealing a double blow to rival John McCain's campaign. McCain, despite trailing in opinion polls and fundraising, still expects to win the November 4 election.

Commenting on General Colin Powell's endorsement, Barack Obama told supporters on Sunday that he was quite honored.

US Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Senator Barack Obama smiles during a rally at the Crown Center Coliseum in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Barack Obama basked Sunday in the endorsement of former secretary of state Colin Powell and a huge cash haul that left the Democrat set fair for the epic White House campaign's final fortnight.(AFP/Emmanuel Dunand)
US Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Senator 
Barack Obama smiles during a rally at the Crown Center 
Coliseum in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Barack Obama 
basked Sunday in the endorsement of former secretary of 
state Colin Powell and a huge cash haul that left the 
Democrat set fair for the epic White House campaign's final 
fortnight.(AFP/Emmanuel Dunand)

In the midst of economic turmoil, Obama leads in national polls and in many battleground states. He sought to keep economic problems in the spotlight.

Obama said, "For the last eight years we've tried it John McCain's way, we've tried it George Bush's way. We've given more and more with the most and hoped that prosperity would trickle down on everyone else. And guess what? It didn't work. So it's time to try something new. It's time to grow this economy from the bottom up. It's time to invest in the middle class again."