Headline News


Obama starts October campaign with over $130 mln in hand

Source: Xinhua | 10-22-2008 08:07

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama continued his lead over John McCain, his Republican rival, in campaign fund by beginning October with 133.6million U.S. dollars in the bank, his campaign said on Tuesday.

According to his financial reports, the fund was left after the Illinois Senator spent about 87.5 million dollars in September, while McCain ended the month with only 47 million dollars in the bank.

However, the GOP party still beat the Democratic party in its financial capabilities to aid its candidate by 77 million dollars to 27.4 million dollars in hand by the end of September.

Earlier reports said that Obama's campaign has been fed by 150 million dollars in September, while McCain is limited to 84 million dollars due to his acceptance of public financing.

With only two weeks before the Nov. 4 election day and the country caught in economic panic, two candidates are fighting for lead in economic policies in key swing states on Tuesday.

Obama has scheduled an appearance in Florida on Tuesday where he was expected to try to build on his lead in the battleground with his economic credentials.

Arizona Senator McCain, on the other hand, is touring to Pennsylvania and trying to turn the badly hit state in the recent economic crisis red.

Recent national polls showed that Obama still kept a single-digit lead since more Americans trusted him more in handling the economic situation.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei