Headline News


Chen Yunlin´s trip schedule


Source: | 11-02-2008 13:47

Special Report:   ARATS Chief visits Taiwan

A delegation from the Chinese mainland will begin a week-long visit to Taiwan on Monday. The group will be headed by Chen Yunlin - the chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits.

A delegation from the Chinese mainland will begin a week-long visit to Taiwan on Monday.
A delegation from the Chinese mainland will begin a week-
long visit to Taiwan on Monday.

On Saturday, the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation released the schedule of Chen Yunlin's trip.

The delegation will set off from Beijing on Monday morning and arrive in Taiwan at noon. Official talks between leaders of the two organizations will be held on Tuesday morning. Agreements will be signed in the afternoon followed by a press conference. After the talks, Chen Yunlin will meet with major political leaders on the island. Among those he will meet is the ruling party Kuomintang chairman, Wu Poh-hsiung. On the fourth day of the trip, the mainland delegation will present a pair of giant pandas and rare plant to Taiwan compatriots. And in return, Taiwan will present rare animals to the mainland.

The mainland delegation is scheduled to return to Beijing on Friday on a weekend charter flight.


Editor:Liu Fang