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Chinese people concern about Sino-US relations after election

Source: | 11-06-2008 09:31

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

In China, although many people may not know much about the two candidates, they do care about how the election result will affect Sino-US relations.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (L) celebrates with his family after he won the U.S. presidential election in Chicago on Tuesday night, Nov. 4, 2008.(Xinhua Photo)
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama 
(L) celebrates with his family after he won the U.S. 
presidential election in Chicago on Tuesday night, Nov. 4, 
2008.(Xinhua Photo)

Barack Obama's victory in the US presidential election has become headline news around the world. But many Chinese say they have little interest in the election and the newly elected US president.

A Beijing resident said, "I haven't kept an eye on the election. It's ok if either McCain or Obama becomes president."

A student said, "I know nothing but the names of the two presidential candidates. I think we should care much more about our own affairs. I am not interested in the election at all."

A Beijing resident said, "The US election has nothing to do with ordinary people like me. I don't know much about it and don't want to know more about it."

Although many Chinese are indifferent to the US election, many are concerned about issues relating to the results.

A Beijing resident said, "It is just American politics whether the Democrat or Republican party takes power. But I think the new leader will be friendly to China."

A Beijing taxi driver said, "I will watch closely how Obama deals with the financial crisis. China will be a good partner to the US in solving the problem."

A Beijing resident said, "Obama opens a new chapter by becoming the first black president in US history. I hope China-US relations will turn a new leaf too."

For many Chinese people, it doesn't matter if the democrats or republicans take the reins of the United States. What they do care about is whether the new leadership will be able to save the country from the global financial tsunami in which China is also a victim. And whether Sino-US relations will be further improved in the future.


Editor:Zhang Ning