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Nepali president congratulates Obama

Source: Xinhua | 11-06-2008 10:24

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- Nepali President Ram Baran Yadav on Wednesday congratulated Barack Obama on his election as the next president of the United States of America.

In a message of best wishes to the U.S. President-elect, President Yadav said Obama's historic victory in the election is viewed with great interest in Nepal.

"I feel particularly delighted to see such development for change, at a time when we ourselves in Nepal are embarking upon the task of writing a new Constitution with a view to building a democratic, peaceful, stable and prosperous Nepal," the President said in the message.

Wishing all success to Obama, President Yadav expressed the confidence that the friendly relations so happily subsisting between Nepal and the USA would be further enhanced during his tenure, the Nepali national news agency RSS reported.


Editor:Zheng Limin