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Iraqi politicians hope better relations with Obama

Source: Xinhua | 11-06-2008 11:22

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

BAGHDAD, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi politicians on Wednesday hoped better relations with United States as newly elected president Barack Obama promised changes in his country's foreign policy.

"We hope that Obama would scrutinize the Iraqi situation during the past five years, as I am sure he would do so, and make right decisions about Iraq," Mahmoud Uthman, a Kurdish lawmaker told Xinhua.

As for the changes about the U.S. foreign policy, Uthman said that "there would be no significant changes toward Iraq."

"What is important to us is the pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq, which Obama had said that it would be responsible and phased, and that is exactly what we call for," Uthman added.

A Shiite lawmaker Abbas al-Baiyati said he hoped "Obama's triumph would establish a strategic partnership between Baghdad and Washington."

"We call on Obama's administration to stick to the commitments made by the current administration towards Iraq, including defending the country from any aggression and protecting its growing democracy," Baiyati added.

However, Sunni lawmakers who also welcomed Obama's victory seemed more cautious about consequences expected by changes in U.S. policies in Iraq as Obama promised during his election campaign.

"We in Iraq will watch the performance of Obama's administration, particularly his policy in Iraq and the Middle East," said Adnan al-Dulaimi, head of the Accordance Front (AF), a major Sunni parliamentary bloc.

"Although we know the policies of U.S. administrations do not change with the switch of presidents, but if that happen, we wish that it would be in a way to prevent the interference of neighboring countries in Iraqi affairs," Dulaimi said referring to neighboring Iran, which U.S. officials and many Iraqi politicians accused it of stirring up sectarian strife in the war-torn country.