Headline News


Obama promises a broad and diverse cabinet


Source: | 11-10-2008 09:08

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

Meanwhile, two top advisors to Obama say the new administration will be bipartisan.

They made the comments in interviews on Sunday morning talk shows.

President-elect Obama speaks during a press conference on the economy in Chicago, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 as Vice President-elect Biden listens in the background.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
President-elect Obama speaks during a press conference
on the economy in Chicago, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 as 
Vice President-elect Biden listens in the background.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Obama's incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said that, given the challenges facing the country, people of both parties as well as independents need to work together.

Emanuel said the new administration will focus on the financial crisis and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama's transition chief John Podesta said his team has already begun reviewing President George W.

Bush's executive orders on such issues as stem cell research and oil and gas drilling, signaling that the Obama administration is likely to reverse many policies made by Bush.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei