Headline News


Aid supplies arrive at Congo airport


Source: | 11-10-2008 09:44

In the Democratic Republic of Congo government forces and rebel soldiers continue fighting in parts of North Kivu as aid supplies for tens of thousands of refugees have started to arrive at Goma airport.

As the crisis escalates, aid is trickling in to feed the hundreds of thousands of displaced who are making their way to refugee camps.(
As the crisis escalates, aid is trickling in to feed
the hundreds of thousands of displaced who are making
their way to refugee camps.(

As the crisis escalates, aid is trickling in to feed the hundreds of thousands of displaced who are making their way to refugee camps.

On Sunday, a Ugandan cargo plane arrived in Goma, carrying supplies from UNICEF.

The UN agency says the cargo contains plastic buckets and sheets, which are essential for refugees needing to set up makeshift homes.

Jeaya Murphy, Spokesman of UNICEF, said, "As you see, we have critical supplies, we have plastic sheets, thousands of plastic sheets that are coming in right now as well as buckets. These supplies are critical to providing assistance to the new people that have just fled and are now settling in areas of displacement."