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Obama, McCain to meet next week

Source: Xinhua | 11-15-2008 07:52

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is scheduled to meet his presidential election opponent John McCain in Chicago next week, Obama's aides said Friday.

Barack Obama shakes hands with Sen. John McCain at the conclusion of the presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008.(Jim Bourg/Reuters)
Barack Obama shakes hands with Sen. John McCain at
the conclusion of the presidential debate at Hofstra
University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008.
(Jim Bourg/Reuters)

"On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama and Senator John McCain will meet in Chicago at transition headquarters," said Obama transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter.

"It's well known that they share an important belief that Americans want and deserve a more effective and efficient government, and will discuss ways to work together to make that a reality." she added.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a McCain ally, and Congressman Rahm Emanuel, Obama's choice for White House chief of staff, will join the meeting.

Obama and McCain spoke on phone on the Election Night of Nov. 4after Obama won the election, but have not met in person since the Al Smith dinner in New York on October 16.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei