Headline News


Congo, Rwanda move against rebels


Source: | 11-16-2008 13:40

The Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda will take joint action against Hutu rebels in eastern Congo. Congolese President Joseph Kigali will also invite intelligence officers from Rwanda to work with his troops. The DR Congo is battling Tutsi rebels in an eastern province. Their leader says they are defending fellow Tutsis from attacks by Rwandan Hutu rebels. The foreign ministers of both countries says their crisis talks are going well.

Alexis Thanmbwe Mwamba, Foreign Minister of Democratic Republic Congo 
Alexis Thanmbwe Mwamba, Foreign Minister of Democratic Republic

Alexis Thanmbwe Mwamba, Foreign Minister of Democratic Republic Congo said "We have killings, rape, and looting and the Congolese government is determined to finish that. We have explained to the government of Rwanda our military strategy to put an end to this crisis. To show that we are serious in this process we have invited Rwandan intelligence officers to come and see what is happening on the ground."

Rosemary Museminali, Foreign Minister of Rwanda said "We want to reassure you about Rwandan commitment to all this, we want to reassure you that we remain very engaged in solving this problems and we do hope that this actually is not only hope but we almost feel that if we go by the spirit in which this meeting has been conducted, we should be able to see very positive results."


Editor:Xiong Qu