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Poll: Obama´s treasury secretary selection most important to Americans

Source: Xinhua | 11-18-2008 07:59

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- A poll released on Monday showed that among President-elect Barack Obama's selection for his cabinet posts, the treasury secretary was considered most important to Americans.

According to the CNN/Opinion poll, 41 percent of the 1,246 respondents said that the secretary of treasury is the most important appointee to them, while 25 percent said the secretary of states, 24 percent picked the defense secretary, and 8 percent named the attorney general.

After Obama's historic election as the U.S. first black president on Nov. 4, most public attention has been focused on his selections of cabinet staff.

Most speculations were put on his candidate for the state of secretary, the key cabinet post both of New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and New Mexican governor Bill Richardson were mentioned for.

However, as the United States is dragged into the worst economic crisis since the Great Recession during 1930s, Americans are paying more attention to the next treasury secretary.

The poll also showed that 43 percent of those polled were very confident with Obama's capabilities to make right choices on how to staff his cabinet, and 34 percent somewhat confident as well as only 23 percent not confident.

"Obama is having the kind of honeymoon that no president-elect has had in at least 30 years," said CNN polling director, Keating Holland.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei