Headline News


Olmert meets Abbas in Jerusalem


Source: | 11-18-2008 10:05

Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has met in Jerusalem with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

A spokesman said on Monday that Olmert promised to release 250 Palestinian prisoners next month.

Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has met in Jerusalem with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.(
Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has met in Jerusalem
with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. (

The spokesman also said the prisoners Israel plans to release will not be aligned with extremist activities.

An advisor to Abbas claimed the President urged Olmert to restore calm in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Abbas also asked Olmert to maintain an Egyptian-brokered truce made in June between Israel and Hamas.

In addition to Gaza, the two leaders assessed the US-sponsored peace talks and the new Israeli decision to expand West Bank settlements.