Headline News


UN envoy, Kenya President on DR Congo crisis


Source: | 11-19-2008 10:31

The UN's special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo has met for talks with Kenyan leaders on the latest situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The UN's special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo has met for talks with Kenyan leaders on the latest situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.(
The UN's special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo has met for
talks with Kenyan leaders on the latest situation in
the Democratic Republic of Congo.(

After meeting with key parties involved in the conflict in the D-R Congo, Obasanjo briefed Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki on a peace initiative to resolve the crisis.

Kibaki's office said the two leaders appealed to parties on both sides to uphold the negotiated ceasefire. President Kibaki noted the need to sustain momentum in peace talks and to uphold previously signed peace accords.

UN special envoy Obasanjo said further human suffering and loss of innocent lives must be stopped and a humanitarian corridor must be opened to allow assistance and aid workers to reach displaced victims of the conflict.

He expressed optimism in his initial consultations, saying both sides have agreed to take part in UN-backed peace talks without any preconditions.

He also said Tutsi rebel leader Laurent Nkunda has agreed to respect a ceasefire.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei