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Report: Obama to select New Mexico governor as commerce secretary

Source: Xinhua | 11-22-2008 11:25

Special Report:   U.S.Presidential Election 2008

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- U.S. New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, who has turned from a rival to supporter for President-elect Barack Obama, appeared as the most potential candidate for the next commerce secretary, said a TV report on Friday.

  According to NBC, Obama has nodded the appointment of Richardson to the post but the official announcement would not be made before the Thanksgiving holiday.

If confirmed, Richardson will make the history by becoming the first high-level Hispanic official.

He launched his bid for the White House last year as the country's first Hispanic candidate, but withdrew from the competitive camp of the Democratic Party when Obama and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton tied in the presidential primaries.

Richardson threw his support for Obama and campaign nationwide for his bid to become the country's first African-American president despite overwhelming support by Hispanic voters for Clinton.

Before taking the governor office, he served as a former United Nations ambassador and energy secretary during President Bill Clinton's administration.

After Obama won the presidency on Nov. 4, he has been considered as a top candidate for the State of Secretary that was reportedly assigned to Clinton.


Editor:Liu Fang