Headline News


Iran rejects Obama proposal


Source: | 12-09-2008 14:08

Iran has rejected a proposal by US President-elect Barack Obama that a "carrot and stick" policy of economic incentives and tighter sanctions might persuade the Iranian government to change its behavior.

Hassan Qassan, Spokesman of Iranian Foreign Ministry, said, "The carrot-and-stick policy or bigger and smaller carrots and sticks is proven to have no benefit and is unacceptable and failed."(
Hassan Qassan, Spokesman of Iranian Foreign Ministry,
said, "The carrot-and-stick policy or bigger and smaller
carrots and sticks is proven to have no benefit and is 
unacceptable and failed."(

The Iranian Foreign Ministry reacted on Monday to the US President-elect's comments.Obama said on Sunday he was prepared to offer Iran economic incentives to stop its nuclear programme but he warned that sanctions could be toughened if Iran refused.

Hassan Qassan, Spokesman of Iranian Foreign Ministry, said, "The carrot-and-stick policy or bigger and smaller carrots and sticks is proven to have no benefit and is unacceptable and failed."

The Iranian government has expressed interest in more direct talks with the US but has consistently refused to alter its nuclear programme as a precondition.

Hassan Qassan, Spokesman of Iranian Foreign Ministry, said, "Our new expectation is that they should recognize our right to nuclear technology. If their new stance is to remove concerns about Iran's nuclear activities, we are also ready to remove their concerns in the international framework."

Iran has also rejected past offers of economic incentives by the international community to scale back its nuclear activities.

Tehran's refusal to stop enrichment has drawn three rounds of UN sanctions since 2006, as well as separate US measures.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei