Headline News


Congo peace talks stalled


Source: | 12-11-2008 14:24

Representatives of the Democratic Republic of Congo's government and rebels have been meeting in the Kenyan capital since Monday, to formalize a cease-fire and discuss a peace process after weeks of fighting.

Nigeria's former president Olusegun Obasanjo speaks during the official opening of peace talks between the Congolese government and the eastern Congolese rebel group of General Laurent Nkunda at the U.N. headquarters in Nairobi December 8, 2008.REUTERS/Antony Njuguna (KENYA)
Nigeria's former president Olusegun Obasanjo speaks during
the official opening of peace talks between the Congolese
government and the eastern Congolese rebel group of General
Laurent Nkunda at the U.N. headquarters in Nairobi December
8, 2008.REUTERS/Antony Njuguna

The peace talks have stalled, as the rebels' delegation has no power to make decisions.

But UN envoy, Olusegun Obasanjo, says the talks have NOT collapsed and he has sent a delegation to meet rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda, in North Kivu on Thursday.

Olusegun Obasanjo, UN Envoy, said, "Progress has been slower than desired because the power given to the CNDP (National Congress for the Defense of the People) delegation by its leadership appears to have severely limited its ability to make decisions on matters of concern without continuous recourse to its leadership in North Kivu."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei