Headline News


Rocket fire from Gaza wounds two Israelis


Source: | 12-18-2008 08:52

Palestinian militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip have stepped up rocket attacks on southern Israel, and their latest salvoes have wounded at least two people.

Broken bottles lie on the ground as Israelis stand inside a supermarket after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants landed just outside the store in the southern Israel city of Sderot. Israeli warplanes have carried out two nighttime air strikes against the Gaza Strip following rocket fire against Israel, witnesses have said.(AFP/Moran Buaron)
Broken bottles lie on the ground as 
Israelis stand inside a supermarket 
after a rocket fired by Palestinian 
militants landed just outside the store 
in the southern Israel city of Sderot. 
Israeli warplanes have carried out two 
nighttime air strikes against the Gaza 
Strip following rocket fire against Israel, 
witnesses have said.(AFP/Moran Buaron)

Israeli army says militants fired at least 20 makeshift rockets into Israel, the highest one-day total this month. Two Israelis in the border town of Sderot suffered light wounds when one of the rockets slammed into a parking lot. Israel responded by launching an air strike into Gaza, targeting a rocket launcher. The strike killed one Palestinian and slightly wounded another.

Tensions along Israel's border with Gaza have risen in recent days, as a six-month-old ceasefire between Hamas and the Jewish state is about to end on Friday. The increased rocket attacks from militants have prompted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to warn of a military operation in the Gaza Strip.


Editor:Du Xiaodan