Headline News


Japan mulls sending SDF ships on antipiracy mission near Somalia

Source: Xinhua | 12-26-2008 12:15

Special Report:   China navy's escorting mission

TOKYO, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso on Friday instructed Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada to explore the possibility of dispatching Self-Defense Forces (SDF) vessels on an antipiracy mission to waters off Somalia, Kyodo News reported.

In order to protect Japanese ships from pirate activities, the government is expected to issue an order for "maritime policing activity" in line with the Self-Defense Forces Law as early as in January.

Maritime policing activity under the law, which is restricted basically to safeguarding Japanese-registered ships or Japanese nationals under threat, is ordered by the defense minister with approval of the prime minister.


Editor:Zhang Yun