Headline News


Hamas threatens to take revenge


Source: | 12-28-2008 13:45

Special Report:   Israel airstrikes in Gaza

Protests have erupted across the West Bank following the unprecedented Israeli air strikes across the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Palestinian authorities are considering ways to respond to the attacks and Hamas is threatening revenge. But Israel is defending the air strikes.

Palestinians protest against Israeli strikes in Gaza in the West Bank town of Hebron, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008. Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from Gaza pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in unprecedented waves of air strikes Saturday, killing at least 200 and wounding nearly 400 in the bloodiest day in Gaza in decades.(AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi) 
Palestinians protest against Israeli strikes in Gaza 
in the West Bank town of Hebron, Saturday, Dec. 27, 
2008. Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire 
from Gaza pounded dozens of security compounds across
the Hamas-ruled territory in unprecedented waves of air
strikes Saturday, killing at least 200 and wounding 
nearly 400 in the bloodiest day in Gaza in decades.
(AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi)

After the Israeli air strikes the West Bank and Gaza both declared three days of mourning for those Palestinians killed during the attacks.

Meanwhile Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad called for an emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

As the leaders were discussing how to politically and diplomatically react to the Israeli strikes, protesters marched through the center of Ramallah.

Demonstrations have also been held in the West Bank cities of Nablus and Hebron. Protestors are calling for solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Meanwhile Hamas leaders have threatened to take action.

Irmail Haneya, Hamas Leader in Gaza said "We will not compromise or back down on our religion or cause."

Facing growing international condemnation of the air strikes, Israel is defending the air strikes. They insist they have no option but to retaliate against the rocket attacks by Gaza militants.

Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister said "There is a time for a truce and a time for fighting and now is the time for fighting."

Past Israeli incursions and air strikes have not halted rocket barrages from Gaza.

Since a ceasefire with Hamas expired a week ago, some 200 mortars and rockets have been launched into Israel. And pressure has been mounting in Israel for the military to take action.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has admitted that the military campaign may last for a few days and the operation would not be easy.


Editor:Xiong Qu