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Commentary: China-U.S. relations on path towards greater progress

Source: Xinhua | 01-01-2009 04:21

Special Report:   30 years of China-US ties

BEIJING, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- China-U.S. relations have been making steady progress amid twists and turns since the start of 1979 when the two nations officially established diplomatic ties, thanks to concerted efforts by both sides.

The ever-improving relations between China and the United States have not only brought huge benefits to the two peoples but also made important contributions to world peace and development.

Late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping paid his historic visit to the U.S. less than a month after the formal establishment of relations between the two countries.

China and the U.S., since then, have maintained frequent high-level exchanges of visits and have actively conducted exchanges at various levels.

The two nations have signed a series of important documents and gradually established more than 60 dialogue and consultation mechanisms including China-U.S. strategic dialogue mechanism and strategic economic dialogue mechanism.

With political and economic interaction expanding and mutual understanding deepening over the past three decades, the two nations have reached consensus on an increasing number of issues and have seen more extensive cooperation.

The two countries have made substantial progress in developing a multi-faceted and multi-level constructive partnership.

The development of China-U.S. relations serves the fundamental interests of the two countries as well as the two peoples.

China embarked on its historic journey of reform and opening-up almost at the same time as it established diplomatic ties with the U.S.

The country's reform and opening-up drive has brought prosperity and cooperation opportunities for countries worldwide, including the United States. The China-U.S. cooperation has also injected fresh impetus into China's development and modernization.

The volume of bilateral trade between China and the U.S. rose from 990 million U.S. dollars in 1978 to 302 billion U.S. dollars in 2007. The two countries have now become each other's second largest trading partner.

The accumulated American investment in China has so far totaled almost 60 billion U.S. dollars. There now are 17,000 U.S.-funded enterprises operating in China, with annual sales revenues up to more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

However, the development of China-U.S. relations has not been smooth, and the progress achieved has not been easy to come by. The two countries should really cherish the current development result of their ties.